CAMPAIGNS REJECT THE GREAT RESET Join the fight against the global elites. TAKE BACK THE PORT OF DARWIN Australia must pivot away from China with haste. Step one: Reclaim the Port of Darwin. STOP THE CENSORSHIP Help end big tech’s tyranny over its users by signing the petition. POWER THE NORTH Support the construction of a clean coal-fired power station at Collinsville. STOP THE PERSECUTION Wake up. Speak up. Save persecuted Christians. RECLAIM OUR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Tell the Prime Minister and Attorney-General it's time to restore religious freedoms in Australia. CHILDREN BORN ALIVE PROTECTION BILL Show your support for the Bill that would ensure medical assistance is provided to babies born alive through abortion. BUILD URANNAH North Queensland’s Urannah Dam is under threat from the extreme greens. Stand up for this job-creating project by signing the petition. FIGHT FOR OUR FISHOS Queensland Labor needs to know we won’t stand by while our fishing industry is gutted. Show your support. RESTORE FREEDOM FOR ALL Sign the Eureka Declaration of Demands to our Politicians NO VACCINE PASSPORTS Sign the petition to end vaccine discrimination. RECLAIM KESWICK ISLAND Keswick has fallen into the hands of the Chinese through Labor mishandling. Sign our petition to reclaim it. Jobs for locals Find out about the Jobs Plan for North Queensland, and have your say on key initiatives. ENDED: Don’t Cane our Farmers Join the fightback against Labor’s attack on our sugar industry. ENDED: Put an end to casualisation Back the Bill to give workers the right to convert to permanent work. ENDED: PARDON JULIAN ASSANGE The fight to free Assange continues. Record your support here.