It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it’s not.
During this pandemic, many of us would have heard of The Great Reset, the 2021 theme of the World Economic Forum (WEF), describing the current pandemic ‘crisis’ as an opportunity to ‘reset’ the world’s economic, social & political agenda – from a free enterprise model to a crony corporatist/Marxist model or what they call ‘stakeholder capitalism’.
Simply put, The Great Reset is corporate socialism and the repositioning of “private corporations as trustees of society”.
The WEF website has stated:
“Clearly, all companies should still seek to harness their core competencies and maintain an entrepreneurial mindset. But they should also work with other stakeholders to improve the state of the world in which they are operating. In fact, this latter proviso should be their ultimate purpose.”
“By giving stakeholder capitalism concrete meaning, they can move beyond their legal obligations and uphold their duty to society. They can bring the world closer to achieving shared goals, such as those outlined in the Paris climate agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda. If they really want to leave their mark on the world, there is no alternative.”
The question is: who decides what an improved state of the world would look like?
The WEF is a group of wealthy and powerful world leaders from politics, big business, and NGOs including Klaus Schwab, George Soros, the Chairman of the International Business Council, the CEO of the Bank of America, the head of the International Monetary Fund, Prince Charles, Al Gore, and even Greta Thunberg.
For years they have been trying to sell and market their agenda for change by influencing the policies of national governments. The great policy reset!
In other words, an unelected global elite operating outside the law deciding for ordinary citizens how they will live, work, communicate and do business in the future.
Is this the kind of future we really envision for ourselves? Who decides YOUR FUTURE – global elites, the government or YOU?
Make no mistake, these WEF elites want full control over your private lives. They want the world to move from a financial profit model to a profit model based on human and social costs capital via social engineering.
Quite bizarrely, they also propose a fourth industrial revolution where humans are redefined by advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, biometrics and genetic engineering.
They call this the Fourth Industrial Revolution but it's also known by another name: transhumanism. These globalist elites literally want to transform what makes us human!
“… certain elites want full control over your private lives. They want the world to move from a financial profit model to a profit model based on human & social costs capital via social engineering.
— George Christensen
The 2020 Davos Manifesto 2020 states a new measure of “shared value creation” should include “environmental, social, and governance” (ESG) goals as a complement to standard financial metrics. As one citizen said, “If we don’t push back, we are going to live in a world where they are governing us privately for profit.”
Head of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, has said, “A better economy is possible but we need to reimagine capitalism to do it” all the while taking steps to implement a Chinese capitalist model onto the rest of the world.
“Every nation that has adopted this model of amoral governance has ended in poverty, tyranny, or both. Think the Soviet Union, Cambodia, China, and Cuba. There are no exceptions. If the WEF does away with prescriptive moral principles, the results will be no different.”
According to its own propaganda, the WEF is a good benevolent participant interested in solving the world’s problems, from ending global poverty to saving the environment. Insidious and subtle, it claims to be “impartial – we have no ideological or commercial interests” and “moral” and at the same time “adopts a value neutrality model” while implementing other more sinister agendas and remaining free from accountability and transparency.
Some of the WEF’s dangerous ideas include having a universal basic wage; “reforming” our democracy, giving away certain legal rights and property rights; and giving more power to unelected and unchecked global bureaucrats.
The now deleted WEF video had stated:
“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”
“Whatever you want, you will rent.”
“You’ll eat much less meat, an occasional treat, not a staple.”
“Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.”
Remember whenever you hear terms such as ‘building back better’, ‘servitisation’, ‘stronger cities’, ‘smarter cities’ – that is the jargon used to persuade you to get on board with The Great Reset. And if you don’t, it will be done by force and centralised power.
How can YOU stop the great reset?
Sign up to my Nation First newsletter for up to date information on the Great Reset and associated agendas.
Everyone must get up to speed with this globalist plan that seeks to fuse socialism and corporatism and embed it permanently into our economy and society. If you’re up for it, read this five-part primer on the Great Reset by the Mises Institute (with options to listen to some of the articles as well):
What Is the Great Reset? Part I: Reduced Expectations and Bio-techno-feudalism;
The Great Reset, Part III: Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics;
The Great Reset, Part IV: "Stakeholder Capitalism" vs. "Neoliberalism"; and
Let’s seize this opportunity to take back control of our lives and livelihoods. We can see through the BS. And we do not consent to the Great Reset!
George Christensen
I reject the globalist elite push for a Great Reset of our society and economy. Sign me up to the Nation First newsletter to get key information on how to reject the globalist elite’s Great Reset!
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Authorised by George Christensen, Te Kowai (Mackay).