Optimistic on clean coal action

AUGUST 13, 2018: REPORTS of a commitment to underwrite investment in clean coal-fired power stations, which will have the effect of lowering power prices, are certainly cause for optimism.I have been encouraged by discussions had in Canberra today and there are reports that the Prime Minister will take the step I have been advocating for some time now, which is to support the construction of new clean coal-fired power stations.These reports lead me to believe that the Liberal National Government will adopt the recommendation of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and financially underwrite the construction of new power generation assets, and that includes new clean coal-fired power stations.This will have the effect of lowering electricity prices.It will initially benefit bigger energy users, but will also lead to a decrease in electricity costs across the board.We need to guarantee the supply of reliable and affordable electricity.This is the key issue in relation to energy for everyone from householders struggling to pay the bills right through to farmers and those operating small to medium businesses.This is how we make that happen – through providing the financial backing needed to ensure we get investment in clean coal, and I look forward to that outcome.


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