Landcare funding secured for northern groups

AUGUST 15, 2018: GROUPS in my electorate are some of the first in the country to benefit from Australian Government investment under the Regional Land Partnerships component of the National Landcare Program’s second phase.47 organisations across Australia have been chosen to deliver on-ground environment and sustainable agricultural projects under the Regional Land Partnerships program. Included are Reef Catchments Limited and NQ Dry Tropics.Reef Catchments Limited will receive $2.4 million in funding for two projects: the management of islands in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, and they will also work with farmers to help them adapt to changes to market demands and climate to secure the future of sustainable food production.NQ Dry Tropics will receive more than $3.1 million in funding to carry out a number of projects.They will assist farmers to build dynamic grazing businesses that can adapt to changes in market demands and climate,  and also work to protect threatened beach scrub ecological communities and to conserve brigalow corridors under threat in the Burdekin.I congratulate both groups on being successful tenderers to help the Government to deliver its natural resource management priorities in the region.


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