Nats call for ban on green court action

AUGUST 7, 2015: UNDER a stance taken by the National Party at a meeting in Rockhampton yesterday, the Mackay Conservation Group would not be allowed to challenge job-creating projects such as the Carmichael Mine in the courts.Why should a group which is not directly impacted by the establishment of a mine have so much to say about the value of a projectThese self-styled guardians should have no authority before the courts.If you’re a farmer and there’s a CSG well going in next door that you feel is going to affect the water table, then you should have the right to challenge that in court.But if you are an organisation that is 600km away, or even further, with no direct connection to the project, then all you are doing is creating mischief.The National Party’s joint stance on the actions of groups such as Mackay Conservation Group stated:The Nationals are concerned at the extreme green movement’s disruptive campaigns against job-creating projects throughout Central Queensland and elsewhere. As such, The Nationals welcome the current parliamentary inquiry examining whether groups which engage legal challenges against developments, conduct advocacy against developments or industries, and political campaigns, should receive taxpayer funding or entitlement to tax deductibility status.Furthermore, the National  support removing the ability of individuals and groups who are not directly connected with, or impacted by, a particular development to appeal against that development’s approval in court.However, the Nationals continue to support the right of landholders and others directly affected by particular developments to appeal those developments through the courts.


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