Jobs for region is top priority for Nationals
AUGUST 7, 2015: IN a meeting of the Nationals Party Room in Rockhampton yesterday, I spearheaded a move to affirm the party’s position on a range of issues pertaining to jobs.The position statement, which covered regional investment and job assistance programs through to controversial matters such as foreign workers and 100% FIFO, was adopted jointly by the Nationals and a statement was issued by the party leader, Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss.The statement spelt out in clear terms that the Nationals support Australian workers getting Australian jobs, and only when it can be proven that there are no available Australian workers to fill job vacancies should foreign workers be considered.It also affirmed the Nationals’ stance that companies locking workers out of jobs based on where they live amounted to geographic discrimination; Central Queensland workers should always have the ability to apply for Central Queensland jobs.In the wake of the Carmichael Mine court case delay, the statement also expressed concerns about green groups shutting down job creation projects.This region is suffering the effects of a downturn in the resource sector, and we all know there has been a significant decline in jobs.The Liberal National Coalition Government is responding to this situation with a large infrastructure program, and we have instigated a number of assistance measures to help people secure jobs.It’s important that we reinforce that ensuring the availability of jobs for all workers is one of our party’s top priorities.Read the full statement here.