Political podcast 'Conservative One: Defending Traditions and Freedom' is hosted by Australian Member of Parliament, George Christensen, and features discussions with prominent individuals and experts on both the big philosophical questions of our time and current events from a conservative worldview.

Pauline Hanson on the issues
Former Australian Member of Parliament and host of the Conservative One podcast George Christensen talks to Senator Pauline Hanson about the issues that matter in the upcoming federal election.
The podcast is now powered by The Good Sauce conservative news site which can be found at goodsauce.news
More podcast episodes from Conservative One can be found at www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcast
Authorised by G. Christensen, Mackay, for Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party.

Are We Doomed To Totalitarianism? — With Prof. Mattias Desmet
We have seen the erosion of freedoms and liberties and discrimination against the non-vaccinated. Largely, these measures have been accepted — even cheered on — by a large part of society. This psychological phenomenon has been observed as ‘mass formation’, which has also been seen in societies that slid in totalitarianism. So it begs the question: are we beginning the descent into a totalitarian state?
To answer all of that and more is psychologist Prof. Mattias Desmet, who joins us once again for episode 13 of Conservative One: Pandemic Unmasked.
Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Belgium’s Ghent University. He also holds a Masters degree in statistics. Prof. Desmet has been outspoken on the irrationality of societal responses to the pandemic since its early days and formulated the psychological concept of ‘mass formation’ to explain that irrationality.
He has just written a book that is will be published in English later this year titled “The Psychology of Totalitarianism”.
The podcast is now powered by The Good Sauce conservative news site which can be found at goodsauce.news
More podcast episodes from Conservative One can be found at www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcast

What Has Caused COVID Madness? — With Prof. Mattias Desmet
What has caused all the COVID madness? Why has there been so much irrationality? So much fear? So much division? And what is ‘mass formation’?
To answer all of that and more is psychologist Prof. Mattias Desmet, who joins us for part one of a two-part interview beginning episode 12 of Conservative One: Pandemic Unmasked.
Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Belgium’s Ghent University. He also holds a Masters degree in statistics. Prof. Desmet has been outspoken on the irrationality of societal responses to the pandemic since its early days and formulated the psychological concept of ‘mass formation’ to explain that irrationality.
He has just written a book that is will be published in English later this year titled “The Psychology of Totalitarianism”.
The podcast is now powered by The Good Sauce conservative news site which can be found at goodsauce.news
More podcast episodes from Conservative One can be found at www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcast

Do You Trust Pfizer? — With Author Kurt Mahlburg
Do you trust Pfizer?
The answer is a resounding no from author Kurt Mahlburg who joins us for episode 11 of Conservative One: Pandemic Unmasked.
Kurt Mahlburg is a writer who has researched corporate mainstream media reports to build a dossier of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer’s history of criminal behaviour and questionable ethics.
He has compiled a top list of their most notorious and egregious violations and they are but scratching the surface of Pfizer’s lack of corporate and social responsibility.
Kurt writes for The Daily Declaration as well as Caldron Pool, Eternity News, The Spectator and The Good Sauce. He has his own blog at kurtmahlburg.blog and is author of the book Cross and Culture: Can Jesus Save the West?
His article “8 reasons Pfizer cannot be trusted” can be read at The Daily Declaration.
The podcast is now powered by The Good Sauce conservative news site which can be found at goodsauce.news
More podcast episodes from Conservative One can be found at www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcastast

Will The Courts Save Us? — with Former Judge Stuart Lindsay
Will our courts defend the people against medical tyranny?
That’s the hope of retired judge Stuart Lindsay who joins us for episode 10 of the Conservative One: Pandemic Unmasked podcast.
Stuart Lindsay is a retired Federal Circuit Court judge who presided in more than two thousand Family Law Act cases and in many cases in other parts of the Commonwealth jurisdiction.
He was admitted to the bar in 1981 and worked as a solicitor & barrister until being appointed to the Federal Circuit Court in 2004. He retired in 2014 to continue working as a barrister.
The podcast is now powered by The Good Sauce conservative news site which can be found at goodsauce.news
More podcast episodes from Conservative One can be found at www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcast

This Is A Crazy Moment In Our History — with Dr Stephen Chavura
Across the world there’s been dismay at how Australians have seemingly welcomed the rise of authoritarianism to deal with the pandemic. Is there something in our cultural makeup or national history that’s enabled all of this? And are there parallels to other moments in our history?
To answer that question we turn to Dr Stephen Chavura — an historian and political studies lecturer — who has been shocked but not entirely surprised as to where we now find ourselves.
Dr Chavura teaches European and Australian history at Campion College. He has taught the philosophy of social science and political theory and several Australian universities. He has published in numerous journals including History of European Ideas, Journal of Religious History, and Australian Journal of Political Science. His most recent (co-authored) books are The Forgotten Menzies: The World Picture of Australia’s Longest Serving Prime Minister (MUP, 2021) and Reason, Religion, and the Australian Polity: A Secular State? (Routledge, 2019).
He is a contributor to The Australian and has also written for Spectator Australia and ABC Religion and Ethics.
The podcast is now powered by The Good Sauce conservative news site which can be found at goodsauce.news
More podcast episodes from Conservative One can be found at www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcast

Authorised by George Christensen, Te Kowai (Mackay).