Political podcast 'Conservative One: Defending Traditions and Freedom' is hosted by Australian Member of Parliament, George Christensen, and features discussions with prominent individuals and experts on both the big philosophical questions of our time and current events from a conservative worldview.

Conservative One: Hon Barnaby Joyce MP on the Pandemic, Property Rights & Political Philosophy
In this edition of Conservative One, the podcast defending tradition and freedom, host George Christensen MP talks to former Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce on the pandemic, property rights and his political philosophy.
The podcast is now powered by The Good Sauce conservative news site which can be found at goodsauce.news
More podcast episodes from Conservative One can be found at www.conservativeone.com

Dr Peter Ridd was sacked for speaking out
In this episode of Conservative One, the podcast defending Traditions and Freedom, host George Christensen (Australian Member of Parliament) discusses the fight for academic freedom and the misrepresentation of the health of the Great Barrier Reef with Dr Peter Ridd.

Allan Parker
In this episode of Conservative One, the podcast defending Traditions and Freedom, host George Christensen (Australian Member of Parliament) discusses the need to protect the Australian traditions of farming families with North Queensland farm activist Allan Parker.

Authorised by George Christensen, Te Kowai (Mackay).