The Coronavirus pandemic has contributed to a rise in the persecution of people practicing their religious faith, and has led to humanitarian disasters playing out in many parts of the world.
Christians are suffering persecution under authoritarian regimes and violent ideological groups for simply practicing their faith. Those living in North Korea, China, Nigeria, and our close neighbour, Indonesia, are being persecuted and paying the ultimate cost for simply seeking to engage in acts of faith, such as attending church services and community prayer groups. Violent groups are targeting sacred and historically significant churches, burning them to the ground and destroying holy icons as a symbol of their own hatred for all that is good in the world.
As a man of strong faith, we call on you to implement strategies that promote communities of unity and peace and protect those who are facing untold suffering at the hands of authoritarian regimes and violent ideologies.
You can be a beacon of light to people of peace and faith around the world.
We are calling for your urgent support to establish an Australian Ambassador for Religious Freedom and ensure there is a dedicated role to support advocacy, research policy implementation and diplomatic engagement with states engaging in persecution. An Ambassador would provide a pathway for engagement with these oppressive regimes, as well as providing a mechanism to challenge violent ideologies that target Christians.
We ask for your assistance knowing you are a Prime Minister dedicated to defending principles of freedom, and always willing to protect those who are vulnerable and the subject of oppression, discrimination and persecution.
With faith and hope,