what we’re doing to create jobs

Mining services, manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, horticulture and defence services are the key industries driving the North Queensland economy.  In the North, jobs are our number-one requirement and the battle to secure more continues because a job not only provides a livelihood but builds worth and self-esteem.

Strengthening the economy

Maintaining economic strength by standing against negative outside influences who want to tell us what is best for our region has been a hard-fought battle, but one that we must continue.  The Dawson electorate is a resilient community with rich diversity. We have outstanding primary produce – sugar, horticulture, fishing and aquaculture – and we boast premium tourism attractions which are among the best in the world.  The mining sector has ensured we are equipped with great experience in skilled manufacturing. We have skills, industries and opportunities, but to realise our potential we also need strong leadership and fierce local advocacy, as well as sound economic management at a federal level.

jobs plan for north queensland

George Christensen continues to achieve the goals set out in his Jobs Plan for North Queensland, designed to create new jobs and new industries in the North through the following actions:

  • Ongoing support for the mining industry – our major economic driver – including construction of the Carmichael Coal Project and related rail line and port expansion to open up the Galilee Basin.

  • Preventing extreme green groups with destructive agendas from using endless legal challenges to delay projects in the hope they become nonviable.

  • Supporting the construction of a High Efficiency Low Emissions (HELE) coal-fired power station at Collinsville.

  • Investment in water infrastructure, including the Urannah Dam, raising the Burdekin Falls Dam wall, and expanding the Burdekin-Haughton channel.

  • Securing law changes to support the development of the superyacht industry in the Whitsundays.

  • Progression of major Bruce Highway projects, such as the Mackay Ring Road Stage 1 ($497 million), Mackay Ring Road Stage 2 or Port Access Road ($350 million), Walkerston Bypass ($150 million) and the Haughton River Floodplain Upgrade ($514 million).

  • Delivery of a Regional Jobs Investment Package for the Bowen Basin region.

How the Regional Jobs Investment Package continues to prosper our region.

How the Mackay Ring Road project is benefiting the North Queensland economy.


Put forward your suggestions on practical ways in which we can create jobs for locals and boost our economy in the North.
