Seek The Truth.
For the past two years, Australian and State Government regulations, imposed as a response to the pandemic, have eroded our freedoms, human rights, and civil rights. The infringements on our rights were introduced under the guise of public safety but the oft-cited “health advice”, on which they were allegedly based, has never been held up for public scrutiny.
Questions needs to be answered and decision-makers held accountable for State border closures, mask mandates, curfews, lockdowns, workplace vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and accompanying discrimination, international travel restrictions and restrictions on returning to Australia. The same applies to removal of treatments, promotion of vaccines, and government misinformation.
Devastating impacts of these measures on millions of Australians can not be swept under the rug as it would only embolden those who seek to coerce and control the Australian people and encourage further tyrannical measures. If we fail to examine how and why we were stripped of rights and freedoms, we will fail to learn the lessons of history and be doomed to repeat them at the next pandemic or similar opportunity.
An inquiry is needed to answer important questions around":
Border closures
Mask mandates
Vaccine efficacy and safety
Vaccine passports
Medical segregation & discrimination
Transparency of medical advice
Treatments and interference with GPs
Misinformation and censorship
Big tech and freedom of speech
Quarantine facilities, rules, and operations
Social gatherings, including weddings & funerals
Access to hospitals and services
International travel and return
School closures
Regulation enforcement and police over-reach
PCR and Rapid Antigen Tests
If you have concerns on any of these issues, join our push for an inquiry into the pandemic response.
Sign the petition now.
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Authorised by George Christensen, Mackay for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party.