Why won’t Bill Shorten support job-creating projects for CQ workers?

MAY 11, 2016: LABOR leader Bill Shorten has confirmed that his government will do nothing to support the workers of Central and North Queensland who are desperate to see Adani’s Carmichael Mine Project go ahead.Why is Mr Shorten so opposed to the project when it’s vital for the economy of the region?Mr Shorten said in Mackay today, and I quote ‘The Commonwealth Government I lead wouldn’t be putting taxpayers’ money into the Adani mine.’Though the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) will provide financing to build the infrastructure needed to help develop our region, Mr Shorten has ruled out even allowing Adani to apply.That puts Bill Shorten on a different page to the State Labor Government, who has been asked the Federal Government to support rail access to the Galilee Basin under the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility.Bill Shorten and Labor have just supported legislation which establishes the independent NAIF board, with strict criteria to follow, to determine who will be eligible for loans assistance.Who is approved by them is a matter for that independent board, not for Bill Shorten.But Bill Shorten wants to say they can’t even apply.I would encourage Adani to apply for NAIF funding, which is a concessional loan that would have to paid back, because that is what NAIF is for, and it could be used by other mining proponents in the Galilee Basin which means it would be a multi-purpose facility.I’ve confirmed that indeed Adani can apply for the funding, just like any other proponent who wants to help us develop the north and create jobs.The real question here is why is Bill Shorten so opposed to the Adani Carmichael mine?And why didn’t his Labor candidate for Dawson Frank Gilbert stand up to him and explain the importance of this project to securing jobs for this region?


Labor-Greens alliance would end Adani project


$28,400 grant for business to train up staff