Victims of financial misconduct urged to act
FEBRUARY 7, 2018: PEOPLE who have been victims of misconduct by banks, insurance or superannuation companies are reminded to participate in the royal commission which was established late last year.It took a considerable fight to get to the point where the Federal Government announced the establishment of a Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry.It is therefore vital that any people who have been affected adversely by banks, insurance companies or superannuation funds lodge a public submission.The Commission is continuing to receive submissions at present and will advise a deadline when one is set, but the time to act is now.All submissions must be made through the website at Royal Commission will hold its first public hearing next Monday, 10am, February 12 in Melbourne. It will be open to the public but seating will be limited.The Commission must present an interim report to the Governor-General by September 30 this year, and a final report by February 1 2019.