Review process for sugar code close to an end
NOVEMBER 27, 2018: I EXPECT a positive announcement from the Morrison Liberal National Government on the future of the Sugar Marketing Code of Conduct before Christmas.I've recently received an update on the progress of the review of the code and the government’s likely response from Agriculture Minister David Littleproud.My understanding is that the review has been very positive about the Sugar Marketing Code of Conduct and that follows on from strong support for the code by the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission.Growers are very keen to learn of the government’s response to the review of the code but we are nearing the end of the process.The review of the code has been completed and handed to government and a draft response has been prepared by the relevant ministers to go to Cabinet.I remain very confident that we will achieve the outcome that growers need so they can put this issue behind them.People should take note of earlier indications from the ACCC that they endorsed the code as ‘an appropriate vehicle’ to address the imbalance in market power between sugar growers and mill operators.The ACC have completely validated the need for a Sugar Marketing Code of Conduct.They stated that it should stay in place and it should be further strengthened.That should give all growers considerable confidence in achieving the outcome they seek.