Grants Available to Boost Our Regional Shows

Show societies in the Dawson electorate are eligible to apply for grants under the Morrison Liberal National Government $30 million package to strengthen rural Australia, which includes initiatives to ensure agricultural shows remain a centrepiece of our regional communities.

Agricultural shows in Mackay, Proserpine, Bowen, the Burdekin and Townsville are delivered by hardworking volunteers, but they are often faced with ageing infrastructure and expensive repair bills, which impact on the quality of the show and sometimes make it difficult to go ahead.

Our shows are great fun, and they also bring our communities together to celebrate our region. They also provide opportunities for farmers to showcase their produce and prized livestock.

The $20 million Development Grants Program will help regional agricultural show societies upgrade and maintain existing infrastructure and keep our proud agricultural industries showcasing their achievements long into the future.

Eligible applicants must be an agricultural show society that is a member of the State agricultural show peak body or the national peak body, Agriculture Shows Australia (ASA). A range of grant options are available up to a maximum of $500,000. Applications close December 13.

More details and application formscan be found at:

Other components of the $30.9 millionpackage will help educate children about agriculture and food production, andencourage more people into agricultural careers.

To encourage more workers intoagriculture the Coalition will deliver $220,000 to encourage more young peopleto study a field in agriculture by improving future education initiatives.

This funding will mean PrimaryIndustries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA) can run a new national surveyof school students and teachers on food and fibre production and careersavailable in the agricultural sector. 

The Coalition will invest $720,000into Agricultural Shows Australia (ASA) over the next four years to supportcountry shows and agricultural events so this important organisation cancontinue promoting the value of Australian agriculture. It means the shows andprograms run by ASA to be upgraded and remain relevant into the future.

That support includes $510,000 forthe Young Farmers Challenge to educate the broader community on the role offarmers, engage youth in agriculture and promote farm safety, as well as$120,000 for the Young Judges and Paraders’ Program, which promotes juniorjudging, parading and farm skills and gives rural kids developmentopportunities.

We are also delivering $90,000 overthree years to boost education around sustainable agri-food production forschools, shows and community events.


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