petition launched
NOVEMBER 27, 2017: TODAY I have launched a website - - which makes the case for a banking commission of inquiry. I have heard far too many harrowing stories of farmers and small business owners being taken to the wall by the big banks.Misconduct in the banking sector is real and current, and though other measures to address it have been raised, I fixed on the position 12 months ago that we needed either a royal commission or a commission of inquiry into the banks.It’s a stance I have taken because I believe it’s the only way we can shine a light on some of the issues of repeated unconscionable conduct.There is a need to take strong action to address the appalling treatment of people who have done nothing wrong, other than trusting a bank to look after them.And any commission of inquiry I support will also investigate unconscionable conduct in the insurance and superannuation industries.My website provides a means for people to not only read about why we need a banking commission of inquiry but also sign a petition.People can also tell us their own story of poor treatment by banks.The website outlines the 10 reasons why an inquiry is needed, community support for such an inquiry, bank research, a scandal timeline and more.Importantly, by signing this petition and telling your story, you are sending a very strong message to my Federal Government colleagues and it’s the message I will be sharing with them in Canberra next week.